Parishes are required by the Diocese to maintain a percentage of their parish families as paid ICR subscribers. This means whether you want one, read one or not, OLV is obligated to pay the Diocese for 45% (or $7,191 for 423 subscriptions) of our current registered families. Only 180 families have paid for their subscription to date for this year. Last year, only 170 paid and OLV had to cover the remaining amount.
Please pray on this and if you are able, make out a check payable to: Our Lady of the Valley, put "ICR Subscription" in the note section and place in the collection basket. Or use our online option and choose Idaho Catholic Register in the dropdown box. You can also make an extra donation to provide the ICR for those who are unable to afford the publication. Thank you.
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Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Parish
Caldwell, ID 83605
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